The Athletic Association

1: The Association shall consist of all members the teaching staff and students on the roll of the College.

2: The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee consisting of
i: The Principal who shall be its President.
ii: The Physical Director who shall be its Secretary and Treasurer.
iii: One member of the teaching staff. iv: Two student representatives.

3: The physical Director shall maintain a stock list and an issue book of all materials. The accounts of the Association shall be maintained by the college office.

4: Every student member shall pay each year sports and Games Fee prescribed by the Principal.

5: The Physical Director with the help of the respective Captains appointed by the Principal shall be responsible for the proper conduct of sports and games.

6: Normally indoor games will be provided for students between 3p.m. and 6p1M. on working days. Students are advised to ask for articles of indoor games from outside the store room which they should not enter for any reason whatsoever. They should borrow the play articles and return them after use making due entry in the relevant register.

7: Only students who have regularly participated in the inter-collegiate and open tournaments representing the College-shall apply for games certificates at the end of the course.